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Meditation: Personal Love Statement & Pool of Unconditional Love

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash.

I dedicate this to Andrea, who wanted a link upon hearing me talk about this mediation I do. The meditation is a combination of things I've learned: specific breathwork to connect with the divine, a personal love statement for healing, and a meditation for cultivating love for self and others.


There are two types of breathing to choose from to help you connect to the divine. Sometimes, I do both.

Reiki Breathing to Activate the Pineal Gland

First, if you don't know how powerful the pineal gland is, take a moment to watch this video. The point is to use the breath to move the spinal fluid up to massage and activate the pineal gland. The hallucinogenic effects will enrich your meditation.

You're going to breathe in and imagine squeezing the air from your pelvic floor, up through your spine, past your nose, behind your eyes, and all around the pineal gland in your brain. Start by standing with your feet hips distance apart and your posture straight. Tuck in your tailbone, and place your hands in prayer position on your sternum. As you breathe in one breath, squeeze your pelvic muscles, then your abdominal muscles, pull your belly button to your spine, and imagine the breath traveling up through your spine. Feel the air rise past your nostrils, and make your nose snort. That part is really important. Do ten breaths like this.

10 × (7x7x7x7) Count Breathing

Form this mudra with your hands to increase your capacity for deep breathing. With your palms open, fold your pinky and ring fingers down so they rest on the base of your thumb. Then touch your thumb to your middle finger. Keep all these fingers in those positions while you breathe in for seven seconds, hold for seven seconds, breathe out for seven seconds, and hold again for seven seconds. Repeat nine times. As this gets easier over time, you can move to a nine count.

Creating a Sacred Space

Say the following. "I create a blue cocoon of protection around me to keep out any spirits who are not assigned to me and not for my highest good. I let go of everything that is not serving me. I create a white sacred triangle around me where only those who are assigned to me, from the Light, and for my highest good are allowed."

Invite your spirit team into your sacred space.


Imagine your higher self as a white beam of light standing by the bank of a river. Your life is the river. Everything you are is flowing in this river, your personality, your job, your likes, your fears, your family, friends - everything that makes you "you."

At the river's edge, imagine every version of yourself standing in a circle with your higher self. So, you as a child, a teenager, in your 20s, in your 30s, etc., you now, you in ten years, retired you, old you.

Take a few minutes for your higher self to speak to each one lovingly, saying what each version of you needed to hear at that age. This is a personal love statement*.

The idea is that there may be things that happened to you that still cause you pain. Maybe someone did you wrong. You're never going to hear an apology from them, and you might feel that's what you need. You can still get that, but from the person who matters – you. So, your higher self says what you needed to hear.

"I'm sorry x, y, z happened to you. You deserved better because you are a beautiful, kind, innocent little girl/boy. You had to go through that to learn x, y, z. You are safe, protected, strong, and loved."

Be creative; say all the things you wanted to hear. You may want to write out your personal love statements in advance. Keep going like this for each version of yourself, praising current you for the hard work you're doing now. For the older yous, the exercise is more of a manifestation.

When your higher self is done with the personal statements, have them hug and bless each version of you, then turn to walk away.

Walk away from "you." Leave the river behind, and walk into a quiet wooded sanctuary. Smell the pine trees as you feel the pine needles crunching on the soft dirt path beneath your feet. Feel the air getting closer and warmer as you enter a clearing in the woods.

In this space, you see your spirit team, angel guide, and any others who are part of your sacred triangle around a pool of white, milky liquid. This pool of unconditional love is for you. Go there, greet your guides, and ask for their guidance and healing as you step into the pool.

Bathe in the pool. Wash your arms with the magical liquid. Relax and see yourself floating in the pool, soaking up all the unconditional love. It seeps into and out of every pore. It washes all over you, so much so that you have enough for yourself and plenty to give to others.

Get out of the pool and use this time to tell one of your guides about something that's bothering you and ask for guidance or just ask for guidance in general. "What should I be doing? What should I be focusing on?" Take some time to listen. Once you have heard or seen a message, thank them and say, "and so it is."

*I learned about personal love statements from author, spiritual teacher, and healer Matt Kahn in his book "Whatever Arises, Love That: A Love Revolution That Begins with You." Thank you, Matt.

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1 opmerking

26 apr 2023

Thank you Charlyn that was very powerful.

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